Former Lab Members


Yaniv Abir

Former MA Student
As a master’s student in the lab, my research centered on the process of selection for consciousness. I went on to complete a PhD at Columbia University in Daphna Shohamy's lab, collaborating with the Hassin lab on studies of human curiosity.

Hillel Aviezer

Former PhD Student
Hillel Aviezer graduated the clinical neuropsychology program at HU and his PhD thesis was carried out under the joint supervision of Ran Hassin and Shlomo Bentin.

Shay Ben-Haim

Former Postdoctoral Fellow
Shay Ben-Haim has completed a PhD in cognitive psychology and a PhD in medical sciences (computational) at TAU. In a joint postdoc together with Ran Hassin, Laurie Santos, and Steve Chang @ Yale, he attempted to tackle one of the toughest questions of all -- that of animal consciousness.

Ohad Dan

Former Affiliated PhD Student
Ohad is interested in computational understanding of human information-seeking, both at the individual level and in its broader societal implications.

Guri Achi Dror

Former PhD Student
I am a neuroscience graduate student (ELSC) with a background in chemistry and biology. I’m currently studying the relationship between (non)conscious visual perception and sensory memory.

Veronica Dudarev

Former PhD Student
I have been involved in a number of research projects, starting with the work on face perception done with Hillel Aviezer. Then I’ve spent a couple of years studying unintentional activation of executive functions in joint actions. Currently my main interest is how non-conscious processes

Baruch Eitam

Former PhD Student
Generally, I am interested in the ways ‘cognitive’ and ‘motivational’ processes interact. Specifically, I don’t really believe that such a separation exists anywhere in the mind or brain.

Noga Diamant Ensenberg

Former PhD Student
I am a PhD candidate in the Psychology Department, interested in the field of social cognitive neuroscience. I am currently studying individual differences in perception of facial expressions.

Shira Goldenberg

Former MA Student
I'm a social psychologist and an emotional therapist for children. I work in every accessible way to make children feel better. I'm a dog trainer and therapist, since I believe that dogs are better therapists than humans can ever be. That allows me to combine my two passions: dogs and therapy.

Alon Goldstein

Former PhD Student
My goal is measuring goals and preferences, preferably in an applicable way, allowing prediction ofreal-life behaviors.

Ariel Goldstien

Former PhD Student

My main goal is to understand the behavioural correlations to consciousness (or more simply what does it do?), as this turned out quite difficult to research, I am trying to demonstrate that high-level cognitive process could be performed without the need for consciousness.


Yuval Harris

Former MA Student
In my work I try to model the processes of selection for consciousness of human faces, and explain what high-level unconsciousness processes contribute to the awareness to them.

Rasha Kardosh

Former PhD Student
Rasha Kardosh is a Provost Postdoctoral Fellow in the Psychology Department at NYU. Rasha’s research centers on how the cognitive system represents the social diversity of our environments.

Tali Kleiman

Former PhD Student
Very broadly I am interested in conflicts, incongruencies, and mismatches, and how our cognitive and motivational systems are affected by them on the one hand, and handle them on the other.

Uri Korisky

Former Postdoctoral Fellow
My current project in the lab is in cooperation with Prof. Liad Mudrik’s lab in TAU, studying the role of unconscious processing in the planning of movement based on visual information.

Nir Levy

Former MA Student
I joined the lab as an MA student in Social Psychology following my MBA in Finance and Organizational Behavior. During my time in the lab I studied high-level unconscious processes. My thesis aimed to demonstrate that short sentences can be comprehended without conscious awareness.

Matthias Lüthi

Former Postdoctoral Fellow
In my PhD, I investigated neural correlates of self-control with fMRI at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. I came to HUJI because I am interested in the relevance of the unconscious for everyday life. I am working with Prof. Ran Hassin and Prof.

Roi Mandel (Mandel Briefer)

Former MA Student
My work with Ran focused on subliminal processing of text. Together with my wonderful and dedicated colleagues, we provided evidence for unconscious processing of short written sentences using a method called Continuous Flash Suppression.

Innbal Menashri

MA Student
I am an MA student in cognitive science. The lab is collaborating with Prof. Lev Muchnik from the Business Administration Dept. to try to understand different aspects of human curiosity and the way they effect goal-pursuit and decision-making.

Maxim Milyavsky

Former PhD Student
I spent a fantastic time in the lab investigating the influence of motivation on use of unconscious information. Then, after getting my PhD, I was extremely lucky to find a postdoc at Arie Kruglanski’s lab at the University of Maryland.