Current Lab Members


Gaya Aran

MA Student
I’m currently pursuing a master’s degree in Experimental Psychology, after achieving a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Comparative Literature. I am curious about cognitive control, emotion regulation and unconscious learning.

Gal Chen

PhD Student
I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Psychology, In which I’m working with Prof. Hassin and Prof. Deouell. I study the neural and cognitive processes that take place during conscious and non-conscious processing of speech, and the conditions in which we process the things we don't listen to.

Ran Hassin

Principal Investigator
I received my PhD in 1999 from Tel Aviv University, and spent the longest postdoc ever at NYU. After being dragged from there by four NY policemen, I moved to the Hebrew University in 2002.

Maya Leshkowitz

PhD Student
I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences. My research focuses on how people intuitively group information over time and how these groups influence their decisions.

Ohad Livnat

PhD Student
Lab Manager
I’m a PhD student at the Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences. I study individual differences in meta-cognitive appraisals of trust in phenomenology – that is, our spontaneous tendency to trust our conscious experiences or assume and act upon them as if they were objectively true.

Ildiko Krisztina Preiner

PhD Student
I am a visiting research fellow at the lab, starting my PhD in the Department of Psychology in 2024. I have been researching nonconscious prioritization speed in relation to memory and minority salience.

Rina Schwartz

PhD Student
I’m currently pursuing a PhD in Clinical-Rehabilitation Neuropsychology. I am interested in perception, emotion, and subjective experience. Right now, I study how perception for action relates to understanding what we see.

Nadav Weisler

MA Student
I’m a Master student at the Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences and an experienced software engineer. In my own research, I intend to understand the connection between non-conscious prioritization speed and ADHD.